Phlegm Magazine

The Phlegm Magazine

issue #3 on Transformative Justice

The Phlegm Magazine

issue #2 (TW: Transphobia, SA)

The people in this issue have dedicated their work and life to fight for a better, more inclusive, approach to sex.

We started Spit It Out because we truly believe education and open conversations around sex, consent and trauma are crucial in our fight against abuse. This Autumn, we decided it was time for a second campaign and a new issue for the magazine. Our Aye Fuck Campaign features photos and interviews with some incredible people we met who’s work revolves around sex, whether that be in Education, Pleasure Sex Work or Activism. We wanted to promote their voices and experiences with Sex being a key element of their lives.

The Phlegm Magazine

issue #1 (TW: Medical Biais)

We’ve re-launched our zine ‘for all the shit you don’t wanna Talk About.’ and we decided the magazine would be a great way to explore these topics in a deeper way. This time we’re talking about medical bias. Each piece addresses an instance in which the contributor’s health was neglected by a health professional because of preconceived biases and misconceptions. It’s a tough topic that our contributors have covered thoughtfully and provocatively.


issue #4 (TW: abortion, ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage)

dear readers! our fourth issue of PHLEGM ZINE is now out! this issue is all about pregnancy, abortion, miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy and more. as usual, there is a page for support (pg.43) if you would rather just skip there and seek help. otherwise, grab a cuppa and get settled for a good read.

“For all the shit you don’t wanna talk about”!


issue #3 (TW: eating disorders)

our third issue is mostly on eating disorders, with some body positivity articles. we decided to do this issue due to lockdown triggering the relapse of eating disorders. if this issue may trigger you, there is a page of links and helplines on the last page, just skip to there.

“For all the shit you don’t wanna talk about”!

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issue #2

our second issue on masturbation & self care, get your reading glasses on because there are some killer articles, poems and art for your pleasure.

“For all the shit you don’t wanna talk about”!


issue #1

introducing the first issue of PHLEGM, a zine of poetry, art, and what-have-you, brought to you by the Spit It Out Collective.

“For all the shit you don’t wanna talk about”!